Welcome to CGI

Our Mission:
To routinely give clients the best installation possible with the best products available using the best people in our field and the best suppliers around.
Our Goal:
To continually improve the process in which layout, fabrication, communication and installation are done with aluminum and glass to the point where it is a purposeful, efficient assembly line style production in concert between project management, your team, and our installers with little or no punch list upon completion.
Our Promise:
We promise to have a committed crew with one or more assigned foremen on your projects that will be there every day until completion… you will never have to wonder if or when our team is going to show up to your site. We promise to be transparent with scheduling during the preconstruction process and share with you honest updates from our valuable suppliers and (you guessed it) to have no punch-list at the end!
Our Brand:
Is a concept that has carried over from the days of the owner installing as a 16 year old kid that he quickly realized gave him a lot of positive comments and recognition from the clients, his bosses, and the other seasoned installers: keep everything clean, organized, and highly functional. This way of doing things turned into a concept, then a vision, and is now a mandate and our brand. Clean is a method that transcends all departments here at CGI and means much, much more than being free of dust. It means that every task of every employee is streamlined, well thought out, without error, highly functional, on-point, pristine and lastly, done with immaculate housekeeping in mind. Of course, nobody is perfect, but it doesn’t hurt to work that way.
Our Team:
Is made up of extremely talented people who understand our brand and are happy to finally work at a place that recognizes the difference between good enough, and actual clean, thoughtful, craftsmanship. If an employee does not practice this way of operating, then he or she does not fit in here, unfortunately. From our focused pre-construction consultants to our intelligent and articulate project managers who thoroughly explain the process, to our legendary, sought after craftsmen in the field, there is no project too complex for us to tackle as a communicable team together. The recognition and appreciation of highly functional employees makes CGI a very desirable place to work, which helps fuel our steady growth. With several highly trained, scalable, installation teams, We are well staffed to ensure that the most complex projects are completed on time and with the most exacting quality standards, you have the freedom to focus on other things that only a superintendent and project manager can handle.
Our Process:
Has evolved and changed almost every year as new ideas for efficiency are shared from brainstorming meetings. First, we layout your building using the best lasers available used by only the most experienced foreman on our team to make sure architectural reveals and site lines are perfectly laid out. Next, the details and calculations are input into our computer where our unique software program generates cut sheets for all the material to be fabricated and generates exact glass size to be ordered. This ensures that while the aluminum or steel window components are being fabricated in our facility, the glass is being manufactured by our vendors at the same time! The days of cutting one piece of metal at a time on site, then ordering the glass after you see what size window opening you are left with are gone at CGI. This shaves weeks off the completion time and ensures a precise, perfect fitting frame and panel of glass 100 percent of the time, every single time while eliminating the possibility of human error by math.
“Every member of our team takes pride in their work. We strive for excellence in everything we do.” – Daniel Kauffman
Daniel Kauffman
Daniel Kauffman
Master Glazier
Daniel Kauffman has been installing glass since 1990 and has achieved Master status. Daniel knows that you want most in a glass installation crew are people who know how to avoid problems and delays and can get the job done on-time and on-budget, with the least amount of oversight.
Yolanda Lara
Senior Project Manager
Angel Harold
Project Manager
Jorge Mendoza
Assistant Project Manager
Autumn Kauffman
Accounting Manager
Josue Gonzalez
Field Operations Manager
Christina Monteon
Procurement Supervisor
Cris Taiach
Shop Manager
Larry Mackey
Commercial Foreman
Herbert Pac
Commercial Foreman
Roberto Chicon
Field Foreman
Curtis Kauffman
Robert Elmquists
I.T. and Network Systems